DnWebMaster - Web - Botosani - 2013 Nationala

Informatii generale

  • Categorie: Web
  • Judetul: Botosani


Acest site a fost gandit si creat cu scopul de a inlesni contactul, promovarea de produse, servicii si transmiterea de informatii intre companii si potentialii lor clienti. Pentru a pune in practica aceasta idee am creat o varietate de produse care incearca sa acopere cat mai bine cerintele pietii. Produsul principal pe care il ofer este crearea site-urilor personalizate in functie de cerintele si specificul activitatii clientului.Am creat si o gama de produse complemantare (de exemplu: bannere,SEO, etc) ce vin in sprijinul promovarii, sporind astfel eficienta demersului meu. Pentru a avea o afacere de succes ai nevoie de o buna promovare, care poate fi facut prin intermediul unui web site personalizat. De aceea in sfera serviciilor am inclus si crearea de logo-uri, atribuirea unei combinatii coloristice proprie fiecarei firme si de ce nu, a unui slogan.
Intentionez ca acest proiect sa devina in scurt timp o afacere personala.

This site was thought and created in order to ease te contact,the advertising of products and services and the change of information between companies and their potential clients. To put into effect this idea I’ve created and designed a variety of products that are trying to “fill the bill”, to meet as well as they can the market requirements.On the top of all products I can offer is the creation and the design of an web site that can meet the requrments of the clients, and as well to suit on the specific, the nature of his activity. I’ve also created an area of supervenient things and products(for exemple: banners, SEO, etc) that are coming to help the advertising, in this way increasing the efficiency of my intercession. To have a sucessful bussines, you need good advertising, that coud be done by an web site, that should be a personalised one. And so, that’s why, in the services area i’ve also included the design and creation of logo-s, as well as bringing a new combination of coulours to each web site and company, and why not, a motto.
I’m planning that this project to become, in short time, a personal bussiness.


HTML/ CSS/ Javascript/ PHP

Cerinte sistem

Spatiu disponibil pe hard disc 20 MB/
Browser web(de preferinta Google Chrome)


Duta Danut

  • Scoala: Colegiul National Mihai Eminescu
  • Clasa: 10
  • Judet: Botosani
