Dimple - Utilitar - Brăila - Lucrari 2016 Nationala

Informatii generale

  • Categorie: Utilitar
  • Judetul: Brăila


Dimple is a project developed to ease your everyday computer usage.
It’s all about control…and it is divided in 3 applications:
- The main one, that runs on Windows and lets you control some of your daily activity using voice commands. It also represents the server for the other 2 applications.
- The second one and the third one are the Windows Client and the Android Client for the main one, which allow you to execute real-time commands on your personal computer where is running the main one, the server.
The application runs in background and it is waiting for your commands, no matter what other applications you are using in the meantime.
The sending process takes place via Sockets, while your devices are connected to the same Network.


The main part and the Windows Client were created in Visual Studio 2015 using C# programming language.
The Android Client was created in Android Studio using Java programming language.
The commands from clients are sent in real-time using sockets.

Cerinte sistem

Minimum system requirements

Windows (Main and Client)
OS Version: 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
RAM: 512 MB
Processor: 1.2 GHz

Android Client
OS Version: 2.3.6.+
RAM: 256 MB
Processor: 800 MHz


Razvan Cursaru

  • Scoala: Colegiul National “Gheorghe Munteanu Murgoci”
  • Clasa: 11
  • Judet: Brăila
  • Oras: Braila


Ce e cu ultima poza?

Astept de 3 zile sa fie stearsa si sa fie adaugate inca 2 poze la cealalta aplicatie a mea, Tempera…Dar nimeni nu facut nimic pana acum…