Emphtal - Utilitar - Vaslui - Lucrari 2016 Nationala

Informatii generale


Emphtal identifies the new challenges of communication in the actual society. It exposes to the community a revolutionary idea. Until now all the tools we used are the results of technologies which can take content and transmits it over internet.
Emphtal wishes to bring the efficiency and the natural touch of the conversations to a whole new level. The participants’ desire of including the unspoken in conversation is a well-known fact. Sending manually and voluntarily emojis is an already used solution. Sadly, this is an old-fashioned modality and technology. Emphtal assures a better communication by automatically introducing the emojis.
Emphtal is specifically designed for people with few knowledge in using nowadays technology. Moreover, people with disabilities of all kinds can benefit from our application’s features to ease up the use of messenger client.


The app is written in C# in the Xamarin platform. Technologies used: Azure Server(SignalR),Buddy SDK(for user management), Microsoft Project Oxford, Design Support Library, Geolocator, OpenWeatherMap API,…

Cerinte sistem

Android 4.4+


Teodor Ciripescu

  • Scoala: Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Roșca Codreanu”
  • Clasa: 10
  • Judet: Vaslui
  • Oras: Barlad

Raluca Angheluta

  • Scoala: Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Roșca Codreanu”
  • Clasa: 10
  • Judet: Vaslui
  • Oras: Barlad

Raluca Angheluta

  • Scoala: Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Roșca Codreanu”
  • Clasa: 10
  • Judet: Vaslui
  • Oras: Barlad


1)In poza a 3-a ai pus sub toolbar un text cu “FRIENDS”, mai ok era sa pui textul respectiv in toolbar, nu are rost sa afisezi numele aplicatiei cand poti folosi mai eficient spatiul.
2) butonul cu add friend parca e prea masiv parerea mea, si din cate vad asta chiar e primul ecran dupa login
3) o functionalitate gen long click pe prieten sa il scoti dupa afisarea unui popup (https://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/PopupMenu.html)

  1. are ceva aplicatia diferit faza de whatsapp inafara de faptul ca se pune un emoji de stare si vreme la username?

Legat de cod, vad ca aruncati totul in activitati, ceea ce nu e ok, iti recomand sa te documentezi pentru MVP / MVC :slight_smile:

1-3) Trebuie sa recunosc, mai avem cate ceva de adaugat in ceea ce priveste designul si interfata user-friendly. Asadar, orice sugestie este binevenita :slight_smile:
4) Aplicatia este inca in stadiu de dezvoltare, si nu am inclus tot ce inseamna new features in descriere (momentan inca mai lucram la aceasta parte, deci vom adauga o noua descriere cand consideram ca am terminat). Cateva din noile functionalitati adaugate deocamdata ar fi un bad language filter si o optiune de translate a mesajelor.